Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I voted. Barely. I got home from work at 6 and all I wanted to do was sit and rock Noah (he missed his Momma) but Jason guilted me into going to vote. Apparently he can sleep better at night now knowing that I voted. Jason is such a giant dork about politics. He was glued to the TV all day. He's hilarious to watch, he gets so worked up. This is was a text I randomly got during the day from Jason.
Jason: I smell freedom. This is better than football any day.
Jason: It's like an all day fanfare.
Me: What? (thinking he had been texting someone else and accidentally sent those texts to me)
Jason: Election day.
Me: OMG. You are ridiculous.
Me: Don't tell BJ you said that. He will revoke your man card. Again.
I totally laughed at every sentence of this post!