Monday, June 6, 2011
This is how I found my child at daycare when I went to pick him up today.  Excuse the grumpy face, he was in no mood for pictures.  It is partially my fault because I forgot to bring extra clothing.  But when I got there he had on this teeny tiny zip up vest (that I apparently had left there since last winter), a diaper on BACKWARDS and shoes.  He could totally be one of the Village People.  And the reason he had no extra clothes was because the last couple weeks he has been coming home in a different outfit because his diapers kept leaking.  I was baffled as to how his diapers always leaked at daycare.  The virtually never leak at home.  I now see why.  All of the soaker material is in the front and since they have been putting them on backwards, it's kind of like just having on regular underwear.  So of course he is leaking.  *sigh*  But I did think he looked hilarious!

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